Monday, October 6, 2014

Academic Shoot Reflection/Critique

I came across many challenges, one of them being that I wasn't really thinking about meeting the rules for most of the shoot. I kept thinking about getting the subject in the right position of the frame, at one point I was having to go all the way across the room for a certain shot. I think if  I had to do this again, I would probably come out of my shell a little more, I had some really good ideas but wasn't confident enough to pursue them. But as far as the classrooms that I went into, I'd keep those the same. I think that rule of thirds is the easiest rule to accomplish because all you have to do is find your subject and move the camera slightly to whichever side. I think framing is the hardest rule to capture. Obviously, framing is the rule that I still don't really understand, I should probably ask a friend to explain it to me.
I really liked this persons photos, the composition as well as the subject was really easy on the eyes, and not too distracting. 

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