Monday, September 8, 2014

First Day Photos

 This is my best picture of Christina, and overall, because it was completely caught off guard and the wind was hitting her perfectly. I love the fact that I captured her face looking really soft and relaxed. Another thing that I like about this photo is that the shadows in the background really help with making Christina the focal point of this image which was the main idea and I'm glad I was able to accomplish that with a candid photo instead of a posed one because it adds depth.    

This is my worst picture out of all of the photos I took because I wasn't able to find out how to equally balance the light with the shadows. Minami's pose was great, however I think I could have moved her to a spot where the sun wasn't directly on top of her face, which would have not only not washed out her face, but her face would've been more relaxed, creating a picture that is easier to look at. 

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