Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Peer Review 

My favorite photo from her blog is the "The End" photo because it was very creative, and cute, and all around interesting to look at. I guess I would say that my least favorite photo of hers is the "Yummy" one, only because I think it could've been taken at a different angle, but other than that I really enjoyed her pictures (as well as the rest of her blog, seems we have similar interests). Overall, I like her photography style and the way she handles prompt shoots. I guess something she could work on is capturing the moment at an interesting angle, but really it's not that big of a deal. She did the best at portraying the "The End" prompt, in my opinion. The prompt that she portrayed the least successfully is the "Pose" one, only because of the angle. Maybe if it was taken from the side profile? But, like I said, still loved them all!

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