Monday, November 3, 2014

Self Portrait and Portraits pt. 1

Tips for self portraits and portraits:
1. Frame your subject
2. Introduce Movement 
3. Play with lighting 

Casual Portraits
I like these because they show a sense of simplicity while still looking interesting, definitely not boring. 
Environmental Portraits
I LOVE these because they have such a huge contrast. The colors are incredibly bright and intriguing as well. 
 Self Portraits
These are probably my favorite, I love simple, raw pictures of people. The emotion behind both of these pictures is unbelievable. 

My plan for my portrait project is to take pictures of either Parker, or Siobhan, or Maria. They all have really striking facial features. I want to play with the lighting and create contrast on their face. I'm most likely going to take the pictures in my house. I will be using framing, and probably double exposure for these pictures. 

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